You are a Blogger ? A single traveler ? but mostly a surfer ... Our Roads are dedicated to you !
Take your pen and share with us your Surf Trip dreams !
Give us your experiences, your traveling memories on Planet surf, the nicest or the most daring ...
Hallo ! I said Hallo !
Your Surf Trips stories
21/10/2014 - By Jean Révé
Lying on the wet sand along the water, I open my eyes ......
New ! Destination Surf Blog
Your Surf Trips stories
20/10/2014 - By Jean Révé
Rien que pour vous, le Blog de Destination Surf est en ligne aujourd'hui !...
surfing family with Fred Compagnon
Your Surf Trips stories
29/10/2014 - By jh
A great family Surftrip in Indo......
Lost In The Swell
Your Surf Trips stories
29/10/2014 - By jh
A journey and Surf adventure in the Solomon Islands......
Endless Summer The movie
Your Surf Trips stories
08/11/2014 - By JH
Video of the mythical Surf movie that inspired us for our Blog......
Artic Swell
Your Surf Trips stories
17/11/2014 - By JH
An Artic surf exploration in extreme conditions...
10 worst Hassles in Surf Trips
Your Surf Trips stories
12/12/2014 - By Jean Révé
Exhaustive status report of all problems that may ruin your next trip Surf...
Avoid aggression and thief during your Surf Trip
Your Surf Trips stories
24/01/2015 - By Jean Révé
Rules in water and on land to avoid aggression and thief during your surftrip...