Your Surf Trips stories
If you have recorded each day of your trip in a roadbook or even deep in your memory, send us your stories.
Destination Surf will print your Surf Trip adventures in our blog pages !
Because experience has to be shared and because ocean and waves have to be told with different angles of view.
One can already smell a iodized perfume through your written lines and your most unusual photos.
Take your pens, pencils, eraser, scissors. Whisper in the hollow of our ears stories about endless waves, endless summers...
Endless Summer The movie
08/11/2014 - By JH
Video of the mythical Surf movie that inspired us for our Blog......
Hallo ! I said Hallo !
21/10/2014 - By Jean Révé
Lying on the wet sand along the water, I open my eyes ......
New ! Destination Surf Blog
20/10/2014 - By Jean Révé
Rien que pour vous, le Blog de Destination Surf est en ligne aujourd'hui !...