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Two brothers surf trip in Canary islands Destination Surf Logo
Publié le 29/01/2015, by : Axel "Fullbit"

Two brothers surf trip in Canary islands

2 O'Brothers on a Surf Trip in the heart of winter, tearing the Canary Islands spots

Axel "Fullbit" and Harold "Cha Cha Max" from Destination Surf spent three weeks in the Canary Islands, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura in December to test spots and do a roundup of Surfcamps, meeting their local providers.

Poor little brothers... A difficult job that takes them away from their beloved parents and their girlfriends always crying every time they go away...
To organize your next surf trip, we asked them 10 questions to learn everything about their trip to this amazing destination...



1 / Hi guys, surprised or disappointed with your trip to the Canaries this season ?

Hi friends !! Yes, our trip to the Canary Islands was top on all levels.
Always surprised at three hours flight from France you get 15 °C+ with a warm, translucent water, but disappointed because we really wanted to stay longer in the water.


2 / Should one be a good surfer to go on a surf trip to the Canary islands ?

Well we were surprise, but not at all. Certainly there are a lot of reefs and it may scares novices or experts, but the waves and spots are really pratiquables for all levels. Beginners and confirmed.
Warning to localism, if you do not want to end up with a volcanic rock pad on the backseat of your beautiful Chevrolet Matiz. Apart from that,everyone shares the waves, and we had as much fun on sandy spots as on the reef.



3 / Fuerteventura or Lanzarote ?

Fuerteventura undoubtedly for its beaches, spots, hospitality and entertainment in the city. It is more alive than Lanzarote where there are mainly small remote villages, but where there is also mutiple spots.
Fuerte has a stirring rate for those who want to go out at night, while Lanzarote, in Famara is much quieter... But perhaps some surfers will seek this approach, including beginners or intermediate surfers which can surf quietly in Famara Bay, ideally located.
This is why it is ideal to make the choice to travel on both islands on a 15 days stay. 30 minutes by ferry from one island to the other. You board with your rental car (100 € x week - see the offers) and you hit the roads which are in perfect condition, well marked and safe.



4 / To make the most of the waves on the island, what type of accommodation to choose ?

On the island of Lanzarote, the Surfcamp Lanzasurf has a big advantage because the bungalows are situated in front of the spot of Famara, allowing to go directly to the water without taking your car. You put on your wetsuit into your room, cross the living room and garden and presto, jump into the water.
At Fuerte in Protest Surfschool is different, teacher picks you up at the surfhouse then drive to the spot that will work with the best conditions of the day. This formula is nice too, we see every day different landscapes.


5 / Places or areas to avoid ?

As on each destination, there are obviously areas to avoid... The Lanzarote Bronx is especially localism !! Do not panic ! Just avoid the bowl of the locals, located on the spot of Santa. Do not park on their parking lot and surf on their spot, or immediately, they will give you a nice brand Canarian souvenir.
The wave is beautiful but breaks on a huge slab and do not necessarily make you want to imagine yourself falling into the bowl. It is a wave for experts surfers. At Fuerte we did'nt had too much to suffer from localism. We wanted to surf Bubbles, the local spot, on a day where it was perfect. But in fact it was mostly too crowded, so we went back further south on the spot of El Cotillo where we were only three surfers in the water...!


6 / Types of waves, beaches ?

Lanzarote = Many reefs breaks, very little sand, right and left are very long. Beautiful surfing. All levels
Fuerteventura = Reefs, Sand, Stone, rock slabs, there are waves for everyone, hollow barrels, 36 maneuvers waves, as many rights as straight lefts.


7 / How were your days going on ?

Generally on the two islands our days were similar. 8H wake up,  breakfast, 10h to12h surf session, bocadillos (local sandwiches), meeting with Surf accommodation owners, watching the organization of courses and surf guide.
Then surf again until sunset, aperitif, dinner, aperitif ... .apaireau ... pause ... apéryghvzws dodo ...



8 / Your favorite spot on each island ?

Axel : El Cotillo in Fuerte, a beach break for surfing as well as for the skimboard. Translucent water, tubular wave.
Harold : RockyPoint in Fuerte, although we were sixty on the spot, we surfed perfect 2 meters ultra long straight wave allowing big carves, cutbacks and even tubes...



9 / Your favorite restaurant to break your belly after surfing, a bar to enjoy the atmosphere of the island and local surfers ?

Axel : We didn't got too much out of the Surfhouses, I remind you anyway that we had to work... and our bosses were watching us closely (laughs).
There was a bakery that was top with super local dishes perfect for after surfing. Regarding bars, we shared beers in the surfhouse with everyone. Super friendly and good atmosphere.


10 / When the surf was flat, what did you do, other than sleeping in the sun, drink beer and watch videos ?

The thing is that winter is never flat, we had no days without waves. This is a huge benefit to those islands when we decided to go to surftrip. So we chase the waves !! We surfed two times three hours per day for 15 days non stop.
There are not tons of visits or cultural ballads, but in Lanzarote you can take a walk in the park of volcanoes which is amazing, walk around in the villages and enjoy this amazing lunar landscape under a beautiful light.
In fact it is a 100% safe destination for a great stay, advance in surfing, alone or with instructors that are of a good standard, with good equipment.

Okay, well now we have to go back to office behind our computers, just a few weeks before our next trip.

This job will kill us ...





About the author
Axel "Fullbit"

Axel "Fullbit"

Working for several years in tourism in France and abroad, Jean-Hervé Cristol (aka Jean Révé) also has a large number of kilometer mark traveling around Planet Surf  in search of endless summer waves.
In 2004 he created Destination Surf, the first agency specialized in Surf Travel , then Endless Summer a blog with tips, info and travel stories, in order to enjoy and share this rewarding experience with all surf travelers. → Learn more

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Show Comments ( 3 ) ...

iles Canaries Surf Camp
Publié le 12/02/2015
Merci pour ce partage, eh oui en hiver c'est 16 heures de soleil par jour. Essayez la Surf House, vous ne serez pas déçus de l'ambiance qui y règne !
Publié le 18/05/2015
Très sympa ce job ! Merci pour ton partage d'infos ! J'hésite actuellement entre Lanzarote et Fuerteventura. J'ai trouvé le tour opérateur spécialisé sur la destination, les prix valent le coup... ; vous en pensez quoi ? Personnellement je suis plus farniente qu'autre chose ^^
Axel "Fullbit"
Publié le 18/05/2015
Hello, Si tu es plutôt farniente, opte pour Fuerteventura. Les plages sont plus agréables (sable et étendues). Mais pense aussi à faire du surf, pour être Action ! Cherche plutôt un hébergement sur notre site Tu trouveras plein de logements surf, yoga, cools et pas chers. Mieux que les usines à touristes proposées par O voyages et autres gros opérateurs de voyages...

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